


Kavanaugh is the founder of K. Redman Creations. He started this business in the height the COVID-19 pandemic while he attended Clemson University, where he received his BS in Graphic Communications.

Having experience varying from product engineering, to print production, to graphic design, Kavanaugh always finds ways to turn the limitations in front of him into creative opportunities.



At K. Redman Creations, our mission is to use our clients’ individual experiences to create custom design solutions that are as unique as they are. We believe that every client has a distinct story to tell, and we use our design expertise to help them share that story with the world. By collaborating closely with our clients, we ensure that every design we create is tailored to their specific needs, goals, and vision. Our ultimate goal is to help our clients stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression with their audience through innovative and thoughtful design.



The 4 pillars of design – concepts, branding, digital, and printing – are the essential components that make up a successful design strategy. Concepts are the foundation of design, providing the creative ideas and inspiration for a project. Branding ensures consistency and recognition across all materials and touchpoints, building trust with customers. Digital design is crucial in today’s connected world, allowing brands to reach wider audiences and engage with them online. And finally, printing brings designs to life in tangible form, allowing brands to leave a lasting impression on their customers. Together, these pillars form a holistic approach to design that creates impactful and memorable experiences for audiences.